2kg UNIMIG Hyperarc 7018 Low Hydrogen Stick Electrodes 2.6mm / 3.2mm / 4.0mm Rods

SKU: U63011 (Var)


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2kg x Unimig 7018 Hyperarc Low Hydrogen Electrodes
*Note: These are high strength low hydrogen electrodes

Choose Electrode Diameter:
2.6mm / 3.2mm / 4.0mm
Choose Amount:
2kg / 6kg
The HYPERARC 7018 is a Hydrogen controlled iron powder electrode.
This is a high strength low hydrogen electrode. In 7018, the 70 means it makes welds that are very strong (70,000 psi). The 18 means two things: The “1” means the electrode can be used in any position, and the “18” means low hydrogen and usually DC current.
With its all positional capabilities (except vertical down) it is the ideal choice for high deposition welding.
Premium 7018 welding rods are designed for welding low, medium and high carbon steels and higher strength low alloy steels.
This rod will give you reasonable control over the arc and minimize the post-weld mess.
Excellent arc stability.
High penetration.
Less spatter.
Concentrated arc.
Structural Steel Fabrication
Pressure Vessel welding
Repair work for Agriculture and mining machinery
Ship building and repairs
0/5 (0 Reviews)
Brand: Unimig
Part Number: 
2.6mm = U63011
3.2mm = U63012
4.0mm = U63013
Recommended Current: AC & DC+
Yield Stress: 483 MPa
Tensile Strength: 599 MPa
Elongation: 28%
Impact Test: 128J @ -40°C
Recommended Current: AC & DC+
Current Range: 50-90A
Size: 2.6mm/ 3.2mm/ 4.0mm
AS/NZS 4855: B E 4918 A U H10
AWS/ASME SFA5.1: E7018