The Speedglas 100 series allows you to take advantage of Speedglas’ excellent optical quality and reliable light to dark switching at a highly affordable price. Speedglas 100 graphic auto-darkening helmet delivers impressive performance and protection with a distinctive Trojan Warrior graphic design – Image is Everything!
– Reliable Arc Detection and Switching – Photo-sensors are capable of detecting an arc down to 10 amps suitable for Stick, MIG & TIG.
– Grind Mode with High Impact Rating – New grind mode allows the welder to lock the lens into the super light state for all grinding applications.
– Industry Leading Graphics – Quality Speedglas graphics will not flake or splinter and are up for any challenge you throw at them.
– Super Light State of 3 makes non-welding vision crisp and clean.
– Multiple Settings & Shades – Equipped with five adjustable dark shades: 8-12, a light state of 3, three sensitivity settings, two delay settings (dark to light time) and a grind mode. Versatility at your fingertips.
– TST – Advanced TIG Sensor Technology.
– Built-in holder for magnifying lenses makes attaching the lens easier and optimises the position for better welding vision.
– Super lightweight (440 grams) for all day comfort with a narrow profile for tight spaces.
– Comfort & Ergonomics – Smooth ratchet welding shield head harness with multiple adjustment points provides premium comfort and adaptability.
– New delay function allows you to set the dark-to-light opening time .
– Dark shade can be increased from 13 or 14 using uprade plates.
– Made in Sweden with every lens checked by hand.