WHALESPRAY Welding Helmet Mask Cleaner Polish Whale Spray Protector 400ml 527777

SKU: 527777 (Var)


Whale Spray welding mask cleaner to suit all welding helmets (part number 527777). Can extend the life of your welding helmet and ensure it remains looking its best. Protects the mask from aggressive projections and agents. Moisturizes the components, joints, sliding parts.

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WhaleSpray Welding Mask Cleaner 400ml, 527777


Whale Spray welding mask cleaner to suit all welding helmets (part number 527777).
Can be used to clean and maintain your Speedglas welding helmet.
Simply spray on the entire surface of the welding helmet and wipe with a dry cloth.
Can extend the life of your welding helmet and ensure it remains looking its best.
Spray produces colourless and dry protective film.
Moisturizes the components, joints, sliding parts.
Protects the mask from aggressive projections and agents.
Does not harm any component.
It is not toxic to the welder.
Lengthens the life of masks.


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Brand: WhaleSpray
Part Number: 527777
Quantity: 400ml
Suits: All welding helmets